
We sometimes get questions about using camels on our trips. Or people say they want to go on a trip without using animals. Because they are worried about the animals welfare. I understand that. But we have a good reason for using them, and I will explain this to you in this post.

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Testimonial Sina

“I was part of the desert hiking trip in October 2019 together with a friend and had an unforgettable time. The well-rehearsed team was friendly, cordial, open, took good care of us and made all our wishes come true. The food was top level. All in all, the atmosphere was very familial and I learned a lot about the nomad life, mostly because the guides were super authentic. The desert is just fantastic and much more divers than I had imagined. All in all, I can only recommend this tour - also as a detox from everyday life and being available at all times!”

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